Monday, November 09, 2009


Sometimes I curse bedtime. Anxiety lurks just around the corner as the sun sets. Will I sleep well tonight or not? Last night was not much fun. Left side, baby rolls and kicks, my shoulder and hip and attached extremities go numb, Skot's rear-end is in my way and he is slumbering like a kitten. Curse him. Right side, baby rolls and kicks some more, numbness ensues, bathroom here I come again... Did I even sleep at all? Ahh, the joys of pregnancy. :)

1 comment:

Heather said...

Have you tried a body pillow? I seriously can't sleep a wink during my 2nd and 3re trimester without one. Sleeping with something like a pillow between your arms and legs helps align your hip muscles and takes the stress off of your body. Good luck!