Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Another Baby Bump

So, it is time for another bump picture. I surrender, here it is. This is a not-so-good picture of me, but I don't care anymore. For the past 3 months I have looked terrible. It's true, I have lacked motivation to dress myself up. Feeling yucky has taken precedence over everything. That's okay, though. I have reached the stage of acceptance and my sweet husband has been so encouraging, how could I possibly feel bad about myself?
This is me at 17 weeks. :)


Anonymous said...

WOO HOO! There is a baby in there!I felt yucky too, it'll get better! :) I can't wait to know what you are having!!!!!!

Candice said...

Awe! Your so cute! I'm sorry you feel so crapy! I still think you are beautiful!

Amy said...

You are not showing very much for how far along you are. How fun! You should start feeling better soon.

Crafty Lady said...

Hey, nice bump. :)