Sunday, May 24, 2009

Silence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

No post since Monday!?!? No pictures?!?! What the heck? Well, this has been a busy week. I'm trying to keep myself together. My in-laws are in town. Originally they were coming to visit, then they weren't, then they were arriving on Sunday, then the plans changed again and I found out Thursday night that they were to arrive on Saturday. Had to work Friday. Needed to clean. What to do? So, yes, life has been crazy this week. I am also trying to get into school for a Math class in July... there's more, but I don't want to bore you with details.

Sugar? Today is day 23. I am almost finished with this blasted sugar fast. Yes, I said BLASTED! It is a holiday weekend and the temptation is definitely presenting itself more than I like to admit. Oh, and I did unintentionally eat cereal this week that had sugar in it. It was a Kashi cereal. Oops. :( Oh well, there wasn't much in it, so I don't feel all that guilty. I have learned something new about myself this week. I crave sugary food not when I'm feeling down (then I don't eat at all), but when I am stressed! Hello? That's when I do my mindless eating. Interesting info. :)


Anonymous said...

why are you going back to school? and yeah for no sugar...not, i think i would die!

Anonymous said...

u naughty girl,

@ least it didn't have 2 much sugar in it.

now if u wer 2 acidently eat a ice cream, now that would b a big mistake.

but as i predicted, u flubbed up(but not alot, there still is time 2 make up for it.)i new i was right



audreywaldron said...

Good for you on the no sugar fast... YOu will have to do a post on how you feel when you are done and what not..... Good luck!!