Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My New Best Friend

I love butterflies. Of course I do. I'm a girl. A week and a half ago I was at a local farmer's market and found a stand with some cutie little girls selling butterfly chrysalis'. I was intrigued, bought my chrysalis and took it home to hang it up and wait for an emerging butterfly. Here are some pictures of my sweet-boy butterfly friend. (Yes, we identified the sex).


Candice said...

That is so neat! How long did it take to hatch...I did see your comment on facebook (thru e-mail), but I don't check facebook that often, but when I do I will give you there e-mail address. :)

Anonymous said...

I want one!!! That looks cool. The girls would LOVE that! What did you name him?

skotandchristi said...

It took about a week to hatch once we bought it. It was fun. :) We just called him Cutie Mr. Butterfly Man.

Liz Kim said...

did you guys set him free?

skotandchristi said...

Yes! We set him free. He flew off so quick. It was beautiful.